Every once in a while, there's not much to do here in Singapore. And sometimes we're just too lazy to go out of the house.
Sooo...to cure our boredom, we color...our faces! (This is also mainly influenced by Bernice who is a Makeup Addict - seriously, this girl has more than 30 lipsticks, tons of makeup brushes and watches youtube makeup videos almost everyday. Amazing!)
Here are some of the experiments we've done so far:
ILENE | Very simple and beachy makeup
I did this! Woot! Notice her thicker brow. Can't see it much here but Ilene had bronzer too. Her "photoshoot" got cut short though, she had a panic attack because of some work related sh*t haha

MARIE | Queen of Hearts-ish
Bernice showed us this video copying the queen's makeup - here's what happened. They glued my bows so to cover it better with concealer (not so successful). Raised my brows, put a fake mole, and lipstick in a heart shape.
VOLDEMORT (He who shall not be named. P.S. I seriously still don't think you'll keep your anonymity with this idea haha) | Two Faced
We tried to do a split makeup for Voldemort - good girl on one side, taray look on the other.

BERNICE | Just plain evil
Goal here was to look like a crazy evil character - like an evil step mom in a Disney movie. Eyes were the emphasis, real thick shadow and pointed upwards bringing the cat eye to the next level.
Oh, i forgot to mention the nose haha a bit over the top but hey, kudos to the nose bridge effect.

BERNICE version 2 | Trying to look like a she-man with male genitalia
Our second attempt at hiding the eyebrows and I think we finally succeeded. This makeup is just plain CRAZY yet achieved the purpose of making her look like a drag queen. Lashes, shadow, plumped up lips...exaggeration is the key word here.

So, when you're bored...grab a brush and paint yourself like crazy!! Can't wait for more craazzzyyy experiments ;)